SFS Code of Conduct
SFS Finnish Standards Code of Conduct
Updated 16.11.2020.
On this page:
1. Scope and purpose
This Code of Conduct specifies the minimum requirements for responsible business practices set by SFS Finnish Standards (hereinafter “SFS”) to itself, the standards writing bodies and service providers used by SFS.
SFS, the standards writing bodies and other parties taking involved in technical standardization work have further committed to observing the ISO Code of Conduct for the Technical Work and acting in accordance with the ethical manner it describes.
SFS is committed to observing the law and responsible business practices. SFS has committed to acting as a responsible employer, opposing corruption, protecting the environment and respecting human rights and any and all regulation concerning to its activities.
2. Observing the law
Applicable acts, decrees and other regulations shall be observed in all activities. The applicable statutory requirements shall be observed when they are stricter than the provisions presented here.
In the following, regulation with special importance in regard to the matters at hand has been emphasised. Also other applicable regulation shall be strictly observed.
3. Conduct at the workplace
The terms of employment shall adhere to the minimum requirements determined in applicable labour legislation, international labour conventions and collective agreements in regard to pay and working hours, for instance.
Applicable requirements on occupational safety shall be complied with. Safe and healthy working conditions shall be provided to the employees. A person responsible for occupational health and safety shall be designated at the workplace. The workplace shall have in place sufficiently clear and comprehensive risk-based occupational health and safety programmes. Supervisors shall ensure that the employees use protective equipment adequate to the nature of their tasks and that they participate in any necessary safety training. Any and all occupational accidents and potential risks shall be appropriately documented and reported without delay.
Employees shall be treated fairly, equally and respectfully. Employees shall be protected from unfair treatment and discrimination in the work environment. Any and all violence, harassment or abuse is forbidden.
4. Respecting human rights
Human rights, including those determined in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, shall be observed. Child or slave labour or forced labour shall not be used.
Generally accepted on-the-job training or job shadowing can be arranged for young people for the purposes of improving knowledge of working life.
5. Anti-corruption efforts
Bribery, corruption or other improper influencing in order to e.g. improve business, avoid losing business or affect the outcome of authorities’ decisions or activities for one’s own benefit is forbidden.
In this context, methods of improper influencing include financial compensation or offering benefits that have monetary value.
However, business gifts of low value and common hospitality may be permissible. If gifts or services are offered, it must be based on common considerateness or hospitability and be acceptable and within reasonable limits in size, nature and otherwise. Further provisions in regard to business gifts or hospitability may be stipulated concerning e.g. their monetary value in euros.
However, it is forbidden to give, offer, accept or receive any monetary gifts.
6. The environment
Environmental impacts shall be given due consideration in all activities. An effort shall be made to limit negative environmental impacts. An effort shall be made to minimise the environmental footprint where applicable by e.g. choosing appropriate processes, selecting and using certain materials, minimising emissions and wastes and maximising resource recovery.
Employees shall be provided with training on ecological practices. The obligation to provide such training can also be fulfilled with appropriate written instructions.
Applicable environmental legislation and requirements thereof, including any terms and conditions set in environmental permits, shall be observed in all activities.
7. Competition law
Applicable requirements of competition law shall be observed in all activities. An effort shall be made to prevent any anti-competitive behaviour, such as market-sharing, price-fixing and bid-rigging.
Training on limitations and requirements set in competition law shall be provided to the participants. The obligation to provide such training can also be fulfilled with appropriate written instructions.
SFS and/or the international standardization organisations it represents have more detailed instructions on how to adhere to competition law in standardization work. Where applicable, these requirements shall be strictly observed.
8. Intellectual property rights and confidentiality
Intellectual and industrial property rights and any obligation of confidentiality based on law or contract shall be respected. Care must be taken to not disclose confidential information to third parties and to manage it with due care and diligence.
If there is a reasonable suspicion of breach of intellectual property rights or business secrets of a third party, the senior management of the organisation shall be informed without undue delay.
In case of reasonable suspicion of breach of copyright of a standard or its translation that is at the responsibility of SFS, SFS shall be informed without undue delay.
9. Personal data
Requirements related to the processing of personal data and especially the obligations set in the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679) shall be observed in all activities.
The processing of personal data in standardization activities is described in the SFS Privacy Policy. It shall be ensured in all activities that all personal data is handled in accordance with the SFS Privacy Policy, where applicable.
SFS and/or the international standardization organisations it represents may have more detailed instructions on how to handle personal data. They shall be adhered to where applicable.