Invoicing information
Our preference is electronic invoicing. Our e-invoicing operator is Maventa as of 10 March 2025. On this page you will find all the necessary invoicing details.

Electronic invoices
Name: SFS Suomen Standardit ry / SFS Finnish Standards
Company id: 0202290-8
Electronic invoice address: 003702022908
Operator: Maventa (003721291126)
Operator id: DABAFIHH
The operator ID is needed if your e-invoicing software does not allow you to send invoices directly to Maventa’s e-invoicing address.
Email invoices
Email invoicing address:
Accepted file format: .PDF
When sending invoices by email, please take into account the following:
- Send only invoices to this address
- An email can have more than one invoice as an attachment, but no attachment may contain more than one invoice and its supporting documents.
- Every attachment must have a unique name.
- The names of the attachments can include characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9. Do not use special or space characters.
- Maximum size for an email is 5 Mb, including attachments.
- Attached documents must be true PDF files (version 1.3 or newer).
- PDF files must not be locked or keyword protected.
Paper invoices
We no longer accept paper invoices. Please use electronic or email invoicing.
Further information
For further information and guidance on invoicing, please contact