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What is a standard? Standards are publications of agreed requirements, recommendations or specifications for products and their manufacturing or testing, for example, or for specific systems or services. Based on mutual understanding, standards make our daily lives considerably safer and easier.
Having trouble finding the right standard? Contact SFS for advice and assistance with anything concerning standards. Which standards could best help your organisation? You can contact us by email or phone. Our Customer Service will give you personal advice and assistance.
How is standardization work organised? Standardization work in Finland is carried out in standardization groups open to everyone. Groups follow and participate in the development of European and global standards on their field.
What is SFS Finnish Standards? SFS is the central standardization organisation in Finland. Our goal is to ensure that Finnish organisations, both public and private, have an opportunity to have their say on the contents of standards, the common rules of the market.


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Standardization levels the playground between a Finnish company and international competition Temet, a Finnish manufacturer of civil protection solutions, was one of the writers of an international standard for hardened protective shelters. Published in 2024, the standard paves the way for companies to compete in the international market for shelters. The process demonstrates the enormous potential that SMEs have for influencing the contents of standards.
Standardization strengthens the Single Market: SFS’s response to the Call for Evidence for the Single Market Strategy SFS Finnish Standards welcomes the ambitions of the new European Commission to strengthen the Single Market. European standardization organizations CEN and CENELEC and SFS Finnish Standards, as a member of CEN, provide recommendations on how to best utilise the benefits of standardization to strengthen the Single Market Strategy.
The Green Transition as the Standard of the Future 24.5.2024 The green transition is becoming the hard core of the economy. Which companies, countries, and cities will succeed in seizing this opportunity? How does Finland fare in this race?
Moving towards more sustainable construction through green concrete solutions Betolar has developed a type of concrete that does not require cement. European standards must be amended to allow the use of alternative concrete solutions in construction.


Information and Assistance on Standards Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information on standards! We are happy to help you with any questions you may have concerning standards. Follow us on our channels to stay up to date on standards.
Buy a standard You can purchase standards from our webstore or with the help of our customer service. With SFS Online, your standards will be always kept in order and up to date.
Collaboration with educational institutions and useful materials Standards are a part of life for many professionals, and it is important to learn about them already during your studies. We offer materials and various ways to learn about standards for teachers, students and researchers. The materials offered are well-suited for professionals as well as anyone in need of further information on standards.