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Standards and DRM

All standards and handbooks in PDF format are protected by DRM (Digital Rights Management). Accessing DRM-protected files requires installing the FileOpen PDF plug-in on your computer.

How to install the FileOpen plug-in

Go to FileOpen and select your operating system. Click OK to download the FileOpen installation program. We recommend that you select ‘open’ in the file download dialog to run the installer immediately. If you opt to save the programme on your computer, you will need to run it manually.

The installer may need to alter the settings of your PDF reader (such as Adobe Acrobat). Please allow it to make the necessary changes. If your PDF reader is running, you will need to close it for the installation process to be completed successfully.

When the plug-in is successfully installed, you may open the publication you have purchased. When opening a file for the first time, your computer has to be connected to the internet because the publication has to be registered as being opened with the machine in question.


The publication may only be opened in the end user’s computer.

Frequently asked questions

The email you have received from SFS contains a link to the download page.

If you cannot open the link directly from the email, please copy it to the address bar of your browser.

If, when opening a DRM protected publication for the first time, you receive a message that one or more Adobe components are required, FileOpen has not installed correctly. Click “Accept” to let Adobe install the missing component(s).

If you don’t have sufficient rights to install programmes on your computer, please contact the IT administration of your organisation.

No. You may download the FileOpen plug-in free of charge.

We recommend that you keep the original email containing the publication(s). You may also save a backup copy of the publication.

If you cannot print the document, please check your printer and computer settings. DRM protection does not prevent printing.

DRM protected publications in PDF format can be opened with devices that support the PDF file format and the FileOpen document protection technology.

You need one of the following operating systems to be able to open DRM protected documents and install FileOpen:

  • Windows 98 or later
  • Macintosh OSX

FileOpen maintains a list of the current system requirements.

Note: DRM protected PDF files do not work on all mobile devices.

No. Once the FileOpen plug-in is installed on your computer, you may open any publications you purchase later on without having to install FileOpen again.

Note: When opening a file for the first time, your computer has to be connected to the internet because the publication has to be registered as being opened with the device in question.

An SFS standard in PDF format may be saved on as many workstations or printed as many times as you have licenses.

ISO and IEC standards in PDF format may be saved on one workstation only, and only one copy may be printed.

Similarly, also SFS handbooks in PDF format may be saved on only one workstation and only one copy may be printed.

In Windows, several publications may be open simultaneously.

More answers to questions can be found on the FileOpen web page.