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Standardization levels the playground between a Finnish company and international competition

Temet, a Finnish manufacturer of civil protection solutions, was one of the writers of an international standard for hardened protective shelters. Published in 2024, the standard paves the way for companies to compete in the international market for shelters. The process demonstrates the enormous potential that SMEs have for influencing the contents of standards.

Finnish standards – a century of supporting competitiveness

Press release
For 100 years, Finland has used standards to promote competitiveness, the functioning of society, public safety, and national security. Today, the role of standards in world trade has become more strategic and even politicised, as major powers utilise standardization of novel technologies to gain advantage over each other. Celebrating its 100th anniversary, SFS Finnish Standards continues to serve the ever-changing needs of businesses and society.

Researching the societal impact of standards

Hi everyone! Our names are Bibi and Janne and we conducted an internship at SFS from March 2022 until May 2022 as part of our thesis projects. We both studied the master Management of Innovation at Rotterdam School of Management. For our thesis we chose to take part in the XXM project which aims to research the impact of standardization on society. In order to research this, several students from Rotterdam School of Management were sent to different standardization bodies to research a specific standard.

Civil defence shelters must be up to par during crisis

Finland has about 54,000 civil defence shelters. In Finland and elsewhere in the world, some shelters have been found lacking. A global standard on civil defence shelters is being prepared to remedy the situation, with Finns at the vanguard.

The EU to improve competitiveness by standardization

Press release
On 2 February 2022, the European Commission presented its first Standardization Strategy. It strengthens European standardization in order to enhance the EU's global competitiveness and support green and digital development.

Harnessing waste heat — a new standard improves energy efficiency of data centres

Novel solutions are needed to reduce emissions from telecommunications, and the focus is now on data centres with high energy consumption. The new ERF standard gives data centres the means to measure, in a reliable and comparable manner, how much of the heat that they produce can be recovered and exploited. The international standard, prepared under the guidance of Finnish experts, helps data centres to cut not only their CO2 emissions but also energy costs.