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Haulla "647" löytyi 76 tulosta.

SFS-EN 16647:en – Nestemäisiä polttoaineita käyttävät koristetakat. Liekin tuottavat, alkoholipohjaisia tai hyytelömäisiä polttonesteitä käyttävät takat kotitalouskäytössä

Verkkokaupan tuotteet
This European Standard applies for decorative fireplaces/appliances for domestic use, producing a flame using alcohol, hereafter referred to as fuel, in liquid or gelatinous fuel for decoration. NOTE 1 The requirements are strictly applied even when used in other areas. Outside the private househ ...

SFS-EN ISO 15720:en – Metallic coatings. Porosity tests. Porosity in gold or palladium coatings on metal substrates by gel-bulk electrography (ISO 15720:2001)

Verkkokaupan tuotteet
This test method covers equipment and techniques for determining porosity in noble metal coatings, particularly electrodeposits of gold, palladium and palladium-nickel alloy (70 % to 90 % palladium) and clad metals used on electrical contacts. The gel-bulk procedure is not as sensitive to small p ...

CEN/TR 14245:2020:en – Sementti. Ohjeita standardin EN 197-2 soveltamisesta. Suoritustason pysyvyyden arviointi ja varmentaminen

Verkkokaupan tuotteet
This document specifies the scheme for the assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) of cements, including certification of constancy of performance. The document provides technical rules for factory production control, further testing of samples taken at the manufacturing pl ...

SFS-EN ISO 15721:en – Metallic coatings. Porosity tests. Porosity in gold or palladium coatings by sulfurous acid/sulfur dioxide vapour (ISO 15721:2001)

Verkkokaupan tuotteet
This test method covers equipment and methods for determining the porosity of gold or palladium coatings, particularly electrodeposits and clad metals used on electrical contacts. It is designed to show whether the porosity level is less than or greater than a given value which by experience is c ...